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Colonel Samuel Spangler (1783-1863)
Updated 9:11 PM ET Mar 28, 2012

Columbus, Ohio (1901) - Samuel S. Spangler1 was a Newhouse ancestor who was one of the earliest settlers of Ohio in the early 1800s. He made significant contributions to the settlement of Ohio.

The following biography provides the details of Samuel Spangler's life.

From the Pioneer Period and Pioneer People for Fairfield County, Ohio
By Charles Milton Lewis Wiseman

Published 1901 by J. Heer Printing Co., Columbus, O.
Pages 371-373


"Colonel Samuel Spangler was one of the very distinguished men of Fairfield County. Distinguished for great ability, integrity and in a rare degree as a Democratic politician and legislator. From 1825 to 1850 his influence in his party was second to no man in this county. He was consulted by all of the party leaders, including Governor Medill, and in many things his wish was law, and in all things his opinions were weighty and influential.

"Eight or ten years before his death the township in which he had spent his life. Perry, was cut off from this county and added to Hocking. This embittered the closing years of his life and made him unhappy, for he loved old Fairfield, the county he so long served and helped to make famous.

"Samuel Spangler was born in Dauphin County, Pennsylvania, March 30, 1783. His father was a farmer, and when Ohio was attracting the first settlers he sold his farm, intending to move west, but before he was ready to start his money became worthless and he abandoned the trip and apprenticed his son Samuel to a cabinet maker in Harrisburg. He was to have received three months schooling each year during his term of service. He had a hard master, and received but three months schooling during the whole term.

"When twenty-one years of age he bid adieu to his parents, and with the family of George Defenbaugh emigrated to Ohio; after leaving Lancaster they cut a road through brush and timber to Perry township. This was in the year 1801. Cabinet makers were undertakers, and he was soon called upon to bury a woman on Clearcreek. There were then no saw mills in Fairfield County. He cut down a dry walnut tree, split it into puncheons, and with ax and adz dressed them down sufficient to make a rude coffin.

"In 1807 he married Miss Susan Fogler of the neighborhood. She was born in Pennsylvania September 25, 1788. Both she and her husband were of German descent. To them were born one son who died in infancy, and three daughters. The daughters were:

"Barbara, who married Ezra Wolfe; Minerva, who married Alexander McClelland ; they settled near Adelphi and reared seven sons and one daughter. Elizabeth married John Karshnor and they settled near Adelphi. To them were born five sons and five daughters.

"Up to the time of his marriage Colonel Spangler had a very poor education, but thirsting for knowledge he began at the foot and purchased Cobb's speller, a grammar, geography and an arithmetic. He possessed fine natural ability and soon became thorough master of these rudimentary books, and throughout his life he was a student and reader, and a thoroughly well informed man. In the first twenty-five years of his life in Ohio he had a few very intelligent neighbors, the most prominent being Dr. Ballard, of Tarlton, Joseph Shumaker and Esquire Foust. Otis Ballard, now of Toledo, sold goods in Tarlton in an early day, and speaks in high praise of Colonel Spangler at that time. He served as a justice of the peace in Perry Township for twenty-one years. In 1826, 1827, 1828, 1829, he was a member of the lower house to the Ohio Legislature, and again in 1831. In 1832 he was elected a State Senator and was re-elected each year tor nine years, closing his public career in 1842.

"As a legislator he took part, and a prominent part, in the legislation that secured for us the Ohio Canal and our common school system. This was the most interesting period in the history of Ohio, and this legislation so ardently and ably supported by Spangler was the turning point in the history of Ohio. When reference is made to the real beginning of Ohio, we go back to the canals and the common schools.

"At the Democratic State Convention in 1836, and again in 1838, his friends presented his name as a candidate for Governor. One authority states that he came within two votes of securing the nomination. He was the special friend of our benevolent institutions and gave them his special care and support. During his public career he was the friend and intimate of such Democrats as Governor Medill, John Brough, Sam Medary and Micajah T. Williams, one of the fathers of the public works. In 1843 Colonel Spangler retired from public life and gave his attention to his farm and his family. About this time both he and his wife became members of the Lutheran Church, and lived consistent Christian lives. Colonel Spangler was a Christian in every sense of the word, both at home and abroad.

"For the war of 18 12 he raised a rifle company and served his country in two campaigns as Captain of his company. During the sickness of his Colonel he was the acting Colonel of the regiment. His service in the army was such as to receive special complimentary mention by his superior officer.

"Colonel Spangler was a successful farmer and business man for his day, and gave each of his children a farm, and some money was left them at his death, December 13, 1863. His body was buried at the Adelphi cemetery, a few miles from his home. His wife died July 7, 1871, and was buried by his side.

"Colonel Spangler was six feet, one inch in height, straight as an Indian, finely proportioned, and a man of commanding presence. He loved a fine horse and was a splendid horseman. He was a great hunter, and in the early days was very successful, killing as many as seven deer in one day, and shooting plenty of game from the windows of houses he was finishing. Samuel Spangler Wolfe has his watch, books and cane. The cane was cut on the Mt. Vernon estate, Virginia, by Governor Medill, and presented to Colonel Spangler.

"The men of this county, who have come down from the period in which Colonel Spangler lived, speak of him in the highest terms."


1Samuel Spangler was Wynter Reed Newhouse's 3rd great grandfather. Samuel married Susanna Fogler and they fathered a daughter Minerva, who married Alexander McClelland. Minerva and Alexander fathered a son they named Salem Spangler McClelland. Salem then married Margaret Defenbaugh, and they fathered Dora Lee McClelland. Dora married William Hanson 'Hans' Newhouse. Hans and Dora fathered Daniel Winter Newhouse, who married Susan Francis Hess. They begot Wynter Reed Newhouse in 1915.

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