Dragonfly: Twelve-spotted Skimmer Species - Libellula pulchella. |
Red Admiral Butterfly Species - Vanessa Atalanta |
Fork-tailed Bush Katydid Reflections Species - Scudderia furcata The Katydid Challenge: How come the four (4) reflections? |
Cabbage White butterfly. Species - Pieris rapae |
Spicebush Swallowtail Butterfly Species - Papilio (or Pterourus) troilus |
Dark phase, female Tiger Swallowtail Butterfly Species - Papilio (or Pterourus) glaucus |
Tiger Swallowtail Butterfly Species - Papilio (or Pterourus) glaucus |
Comma (Hop Merchant) Species - Polygonia comma |
Pearl Crescent (Pearly Crescentspot) Butterfly Species - Phyciodes tharos |
Hackberry Butterfly Species - Asterocampa celtis |
Photo Index, Family Art, Etc.: |
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