Please note that all reports are presented in PDF format
Descendants of Jacob Alexander (abt.1710 - 1792) of Bedford County, PA. Six generations, 27 pages. Produced largely from research done by William Hamilton Hannum and published between 1929-1940. Updated 10-11-2002.
Theoretical Newhouse Lineage. Eight generations, 146 pages.. Produced from many sources and contributions from many people, this reports presents a theory of relationship between two Newhouse lineages that have spread through the United States from the late 1600s to the present day. Recent DNA testing between descendants of both these lineages has absolutely proven a common ancestry. This report connects these lineages together in what is considered the most likely way given the known facts. The DNA evidence does not disprove several other possibilities and those other possibilities are discussed within. But the known evidence, both factual and circumstantial, most probably points to a papermaker from Germantown, PA, in the 1740-1750 timeframe named Anthony Newhouse as the most likely most recent common ancestor of all the Newhouse descendants documented within. Updated 5-6-2006.
Gatchell & Getchell Descendants. Nine generations, 274 pages. This is the result of ongoing contributions from dozens of various sources and contributors. It starts with the basic research published in 1909 by Everett and Fred Getchell, but has been corrected and expanded upon many times since. Updated September 9-18-2022.
Reed Family Descendants. 7 generations, 13 pages. From Patrick & Margaret Reed through their son Downey Reed, Acklin Reed, Amiziah Reed and their descendants. Updated 8-7-2004.
This page was last updated on: September 20, 2022
Bowker Ancestor Report. 18 generations, 124 pages. This shows our Bowker ancestry back to Machias, Maine. Updated 9-19-2022.
John Berry Descendants. Ten generations, 24 pages. Some descendants of John Berry (1584- ). Updated 3-13-2003.
John Hatch Descendants. Ten generations, 54 pages. Our connections to the descendants of John Hatch, New England. Updated 12-22-2002.
Ancestors of Susan Francis Hess and her siblings Helen C. Hess and Olin J. Hess. 16 generations, 19 pages. Updated 9-19-2022.
Newhouse Descendants of Loudoun County, VA. Six generations, 155 pages. This lineage starts with the initial genealogy research published by John Richey Newhouse in 1914, but it includes much information uncovered by many family researchers since then. It also adopts a new basic premise that's indicated by recent DNA tests among current day Newhouse cousins. That premise is that -- rather than the Revolutionary War seaman Anthony Newhouse -- David Newhouse of Loudoun County, VA is the common Loudoun County ancestor of all Newhouses descending from Loudoun County. Updated 6-22-2008.